In order to continue what we found to work so well during our self care project in Cullompton, we needed a new place to be. So we now have a new hub in the centre of Exeter, on Cathedral Close, where we can meet up, connect people, teach, get busy, hold classes, be creative and have a great time. This time it is not centred around a cafe but it will have the same excellent coffee. We are a social enterprise community interest company.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Bag of Swords...
We started with choir moved through coffee time and contemporary crafting and onto Arabella's Babychino Group (@naturalnursery on Twitter and which was a great success and I got to meet baby Bobby who is two days old and looked fabulous snuggled in his sling. Then I went to a great meeting at the library. It was organised by The Fruit Tree and it was for co-ops and social enterprises in Exeter to get together and plan the future. There are some fabulous groups out there. My new discovery is Naming Elephants but it was great to see Love Local Food, The Olive Tree, Co-Cars, Real Food, The Grapevine, Petrocks amongst many others. This evening a Fencing Team started at the hub. It makes me smile when I write it because when we first planned the hub I never could have imagined the variety of groups and activities that use the hub. I just love it. I love the not knowing what will turn up next and the crackers conversations. I love that one minute we are watching Ruth secure two-day old Bobby in his sling and the next a man turns up with a bag of swords.
Our coffee is so appreciated that...
...and this is Peter's special 'choir at the hub' song
We are so incredibly lucky that we have so many talented and enthusiastic people who come into the hub and sprinkle their magic and share what they know. If you know the book Warm Fuzzy Tale, which I always read to my classes when I was teaching, The Hub is full of Warm Fuzzies. We meet with amazing people every day. Exeter rocks!I have just looked at the price of the book. It must be out of print. I will bring in my copy to share at the hub :)
Self help tips for aching 'Twitter thumbs' or a 'sore mouse' muscle!
The amazing reflexologist Sarah Hewlett who works at the Sustainable Health Centre, Zamora and other lovely places as well as being involved in hub-life has these tips for us...
Rest your hands on your legs and look at your palms. See how the muscle at the base of your thumb makes it look a little like the shape of a chicken drumstick. Let you shoulders drop, then with your left thumb or fingers, use circular massage movements to warm and soften that muscle on your right hand. It may feel tight and tender so be kind with yourself and work to a level that feels good. Then do the same on the other hand...
another tip... Bend your hands down, fingers towards your wrists, this may help to ease muscle strain caused by using your mouse or keyboard, for too long.
Monday, 30 January 2012
Good News!
Sophie Headlong-Moore who runs Wriggle Rhythms and Babysign at The Hub on the Green as well as other places in Exeter has decided to run a session on Tuesday afternoons alternately with the Babychino group which started last week. This means that if you turn up on a Tuesday at 1:30 with a babe in arms there will be something perfect awaiting you at The Hub. I am getting more details from Sophie and will let you know as soon as I can...Sophie's dates will be Tuesday 7th Feb, Tuesday 21st Feb and so on and so on on a fortnightly basis.
Monday's MMM and Origami
Today was Monday and the heating was on all day (wasn't it cold?). By the time we had Make and Take Club Hannah was turning the heating down. It's a good sign as it means we are sorting out the 'how to heat a medieval hall' dilemma.
Nikkie started off with yoga babies. I didn't see much of them as I was tied up in reception (not literally). Coffee time was really quiet today but I read through Darren's article on our building and Notaries House which is due to be published soon. I gave him leftover birthday cake in exchange. Fair swap!
Then Sheila Cove started her Margaret Morris Movement course with a free taster. There were six ladies which was a really lovely turnout. It's so hard with new courses because you never know how many to expect. Shelia is going to continue her course through February and see how things go.
Make and Take Club was really lovely again today. Every week Hannah and Pip organise a different theme. This week was origami and they had another guest. Kat the Paper Florist came and demonstrated how to make origami tulips, butterflies and waterlilies. We had a great time.
This evening is Janette's Daisy Birthing Group. I see from her posts online that her bumps are arriving and so she is hearing how she has helped these little ones into the world.
Tomorrow is Peter and Magic Carpet's community choir. I was going to make a flapjack but I am out of oats so we may have to have biscuits tomorrow and flapjack next week. Peter has been organising the sing-list (it that a term?) for long as we have 'do ron ron ron' it's all be OK.
Lisa will be crafting with us tomorrow at noon. It was rag-rugging, button making, printing and weaving last week...let's see what tomorrow brings.
At 1:30pm Arabella has another Babychino session. From tomorrow these will be fortnightly get-togethers. It's a brilliant opportunity to stop, have a cup of tea, meet with other parents and relax with Arabella.
And I want to show you this. This is Sophie's photo from last Friday of her underwater-themed Wriggle Rhythms...I just love it...
Nikkie started off with yoga babies. I didn't see much of them as I was tied up in reception (not literally). Coffee time was really quiet today but I read through Darren's article on our building and Notaries House which is due to be published soon. I gave him leftover birthday cake in exchange. Fair swap!
Then Sheila Cove started her Margaret Morris Movement course with a free taster. There were six ladies which was a really lovely turnout. It's so hard with new courses because you never know how many to expect. Shelia is going to continue her course through February and see how things go.
Make and Take Club was really lovely again today. Every week Hannah and Pip organise a different theme. This week was origami and they had another guest. Kat the Paper Florist came and demonstrated how to make origami tulips, butterflies and waterlilies. We had a great time.
This evening is Janette's Daisy Birthing Group. I see from her posts online that her bumps are arriving and so she is hearing how she has helped these little ones into the world.
Tomorrow is Peter and Magic Carpet's community choir. I was going to make a flapjack but I am out of oats so we may have to have biscuits tomorrow and flapjack next week. Peter has been organising the sing-list (it that a term?) for long as we have 'do ron ron ron' it's all be OK.
Lisa will be crafting with us tomorrow at noon. It was rag-rugging, button making, printing and weaving last week...let's see what tomorrow brings.
At 1:30pm Arabella has another Babychino session. From tomorrow these will be fortnightly get-togethers. It's a brilliant opportunity to stop, have a cup of tea, meet with other parents and relax with Arabella.
And I want to show you this. This is Sophie's photo from last Friday of her underwater-themed Wriggle Rhythms...I just love it...
Sunday, 29 January 2012
This week at the hub...
THIS WEEK AT THE HUB (new events are in red)
Yoga Babies 10:30am-11:30am
Coffee time at noon - 1:30pm
Make and Take Club 4pm -5pm WITH THE PAPER FLORIST
Daisy Birthing Classes 6:30pm - 8pmTuesday:
Community Choir 10am - 12noon
coffee time at noon - 1:30pm
Craft group with Lisa Purchase at noon - 1:30pm
The Second BabyChino Baby Group 2pm-3pm
Hatha Yoga 9:45 -10:45
Walk for Health 10:45 -12noon
Coffee time at noon -1:30pm
Knitting group at noon -1:30pm
Babysign 2pm -3pm
Feldenkrais 6:30pm - 7:30pmFriday:
Wriggle Rhythms 11am -12noon
Coffee time at noon -1:30pm
Beat the Blues (Women's Network) 2pm - 4pm
Tai Chi 6:30pm -8pm
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Friday at the Hub
I will be around all day. The Tai Chi is the perfect way for me to start the weekend and after sleeping so well last weekend and feeling so good afterwards, I will be there again tomorrow. It's my Lottie's birthday party this weekend so I will need a good sleep to keep up energy levels for Sunday's party which for the first time in ages we have a fabulous venue for. Loving the hub!
Tonight KABU are delivering the cookies I bagsied. I am ridiculously excited!
Hannah and Pip from The Craft Hub have organised another amazing event. This time it is for CRAFT SWAP for Oxfam's International Women's Day. If you have a Facebook account click here. If you don't, hang on and more info will be on the way or when you pop into the hub ask for more details. It will be from 10am -1pm on Thursday 8th March. I know some people have to be at work and I am sorry if that means you miss it.
Matwork Pilates with osteopath Teresa Thirwell 9:45-11:45
Wriggle Rhythms 11am -12noon
coffee time at noon -1:30pm
Sling Meet 12noon-1:30pm
Beat the Blues (Women's Network) 2pm - 4pm
Tai Chi 6:30pm -8pmFor all of the classes/events above you can just turn up although it is nice to let your group leader know you are coming and nice for you as they can greet you by name.
I will be around all day. The Tai Chi is the perfect way for me to start the weekend and after sleeping so well last weekend and feeling so good afterwards, I will be there again tomorrow. It's my Lottie's birthday party this weekend so I will need a good sleep to keep up energy levels for Sunday's party which for the first time in ages we have a fabulous venue for. Loving the hub!
Tonight KABU are delivering the cookies I bagsied. I am ridiculously excited!
Hannah and Pip from The Craft Hub have organised another amazing event. This time it is for CRAFT SWAP for Oxfam's International Women's Day. If you have a Facebook account click here. If you don't, hang on and more info will be on the way or when you pop into the hub ask for more details. It will be from 10am -1pm on Thursday 8th March. I know some people have to be at work and I am sorry if that means you miss it.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Serious Team Effort
Today really was team effort day and Team Hub did really well. The morning started with Peter and the choir. We had 22 singers and we sounded good. Peter kept us busy and entertained and we sang 'Do ron ron ron' and a bit of Dusty Springfield as well as some more traditional songs. Darren was the first good helpful pixie of the day as he came to take photos of the choir for press releases. Then he washed up, went on an emergency milk run, washed up again, entertained new visitors to the hub whilst I was busy elsewhere, washed up, moved some furniture and washed up one last time. We should make him cake and sing him happy birthday every week!
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We look like we were dancing but we were just walking in opposite directions! |
Warming up at choir |
Peter holding court |
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Tinkling the ivories |
Gaelic! "...He's got high hopes, he's got high hopes, he's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes." |
Do you know how difficult it is to get a good photo of a choir? Darren does! |
Then we moved seamlessly onto Lisa’s crafting session. Brilliant as always. Some were making buttons, some woven flowers and some printing. Again, another buzzy group. I was a bit mean to poor Lisa as I only gave her 5 minutes packing up notice but Team Lisa were all tidied up ready for Arabella’s first Babychino group.
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Lovely Ellen |
A brilliant turn out. I was covering reception so missed the lovely relaxing chat but it all looked and sounded great. Arabella at Exeter Babies Activities has great ideas and a great website. Arabella is also hosting a slingmeet at the hub on Friday at noon (not a sling meat which a friend recently puzzled over). And thank you Arabella and/or mum for tidying up so nicely. I came into the hub later and it looked lovely. I’m not sure which hub pixie it was but it brought a smile to my face.
And tomorrow...another busy day. Walking group at 10:45am if you fancy it. And as Davey isn't scared of a little rain, it will be happening whatever the weather but fingers crossed for sunshine plus lots more - see the calendar on the right...
Wednesday 25th January at the Hub
Wednesday/tomorrow at The Hub on the Green
Hatha Yoga 9:45 -10:45 - a gentle yoga class run by Roberta Hutchins who also works at the Sustainable Health Centre next door.
Walk for Health 10:45 -12noon - Wonderful Davey runs this working group. They leave from outside the hub at 10:45am (you can use the loo if you need to before you go) and then come back in time for coffee at noon. Toddlers, buggies, gentle walkers welcome as well as striders!
coffee time at noon -1:30pm - everyone is welcome to pop in for a coffee
knitting group at noon -1:30pm - Bring your own knitting. Rach and Liz will be on hand to guide beginners.
Babysign 2pm -3pm - Lovely Sophie will be running her brilliant Baby Sign. Little Thirza taught me some more signs today. I think its an amazing way of communicating with little ones.
Feldenkrais 6:30pm - 7:30pm - Klaas will teach you how to use your body more effectively with little strain on the body. Pop in if you would like to know more.
Monday, 23 January 2012
Starting the Hub's Week
Sometimes I get really anxious - a little bit panicky about the hub and I need a little kick to remind me just how lucky I am. I start early and by home-time I am often running on empty. It's only when I come home and write up the day on the blog that I realise that it's all good.
But it's quite a big job...and I often make mistakes...lots of them but what's lovely is there is always someone to give a nudge. Today it was Amy who wrote on Facebook that I had two different times for Arabella's Babychino group tomorrow - so I fixed it. If she hadn't said, I wouldn't have known. So to be clear Babychino is 1:30-3:30pm tomorrow.
In the same vein, the man who sent me an online manual for my ancient bread maker (for free and I'm still not sure what he gets out of it) sent a little note at the bottom of the email telling me that the link to my website wasn't working. I like it that there are people keeping an eye on us at the hub...I need it. Please keep it up.
I am off to make a cake in a minute. Darren, who helps us all the time by taking photos, washing up, giving guided tours and lots more besides...has been volunteered to take some photos of the choir tomorrow for Magic Carpet. My photos are terrible. My camera can't cope. It was Darren's birthday today so cake seems like an appropriate thank you.
Make and Take Club was dragon-tastic today. Lisa Purchase came with her printing press and lots of wallpaper and the children rose to the challenge as always.
But it's quite a big job...and I often make mistakes...lots of them but what's lovely is there is always someone to give a nudge. Today it was Amy who wrote on Facebook that I had two different times for Arabella's Babychino group tomorrow - so I fixed it. If she hadn't said, I wouldn't have known. So to be clear Babychino is 1:30-3:30pm tomorrow.
In the same vein, the man who sent me an online manual for my ancient bread maker (for free and I'm still not sure what he gets out of it) sent a little note at the bottom of the email telling me that the link to my website wasn't working. I like it that there are people keeping an eye on us at the hub...I need it. Please keep it up.
I am off to make a cake in a minute. Darren, who helps us all the time by taking photos, washing up, giving guided tours and lots more besides...has been volunteered to take some photos of the choir tomorrow for Magic Carpet. My photos are terrible. My camera can't cope. It was Darren's birthday today so cake seems like an appropriate thank you.
Make and Take Club was dragon-tastic today. Lisa Purchase came with her printing press and lots of wallpaper and the children rose to the challenge as always.
Facebook status...I must have managed 3 pieces in the puzzle at lunchtime. Dionne brought in cake which was perfect as it was Darren's birthday (and I didn't bring cake but I did give him birthday soup). Yoga babies was lovely and busy, Make and Take Club had new members and we printed fabulous dragons for Chinese New Year. And at this very moment Janette will be at the hub running her active birthing classes. Another busy one.
Tomorrow at The Hub on the Green:
Community Choir 10am - 12noon
coffee time at noon - 1:30pm
Craft group with Lisa Purchase at noon - 1:30pm
BabyChino Baby Group 2pm-3pm
Community Choir 10am - 12noonPeter Kyrke-Smith is leading this Magic Carpet Community Choir and it is open to all and as I have now been to one it lives up to everything we hoped it would be. Busy. Fun. Popular. And we are learning a variety of songs and so there really is something for everyone - including cups of tea! £5 a session - use turn up or contact Rob on 01392 422938
Coffee time at noon - 1:30pmEveryone is welcome to come and take a break at the hub with a coffee.
Craft group with Lisa Purchase at noon - 1:30pmLisa will be rag-rugging, printing, making corsages... in fact last week she had so many crafty balls in the air. It was a really lovely atmosphere with amazing results. Just come along. £4
BabyChino Baby Group 1:30pm-3:30pm
Starting on Tuesday 24th January, this exciting new baby group will be a mixture of a nappy natter, a baby group and a place for new (and old) parents to meet, share expereinces and chat.
Arabella will be there with lots of nappies for you to handle, details of the Devon Real Nappy free trial, plus a range of slings for you to try on.
There will be coffee and tea and biscuits too!
Come along to our first group where we will be holding a bumper session with a free to enter raffle to win some scrummy prizes.
You can also pick up your FREE New Parent Pack for Exeter. Saturday, 21 January 2012
Tai Chi on Friday Evenings - It really was the PERFECT start to my weekend
I don't really do evening classes. I love the idea but it is hard to fit in a regular evening slot with everything else that is going on. I also spend the weekends being a little bit jumpy knowing that there are things that need to be done. As you can imagine that makes me excellent company!!!
But this weekend...what a difference and I have to give the credit to Sue Daniels. Either that or it's a HUGE coincidence that I after went to her Tai Chi class on Friday night I fell asleep easily and have had a wonderfully relaxed weekend. Lottie is reaping the benefits.
So I am going next week and I am looking forward to it already. Tai Chi will be followed by a Saturday trip to London and a Sunday birthday party for 15 of Lottie's little friends - that will test it's results!
This week also brings new things...
Our craft and cake fair is on Saturday 4th Feb (first Saturday of the month) and we have lots of new people involved so it's going to be great. If you would like some fliers to hand out or have a spot for a poster - please shout. We like busy and busy means we need to spread the word. Thank you :)
But this weekend...what a difference and I have to give the credit to Sue Daniels. Either that or it's a HUGE coincidence that I after went to her Tai Chi class on Friday night I fell asleep easily and have had a wonderfully relaxed weekend. Lottie is reaping the benefits.
So I am going next week and I am looking forward to it already. Tai Chi will be followed by a Saturday trip to London and a Sunday birthday party for 15 of Lottie's little friends - that will test it's results!
This week also brings new things...
Babychino – new baby group in central Exeter Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm Exeter Babies Activities Website
Sling Meet - Friday 12noon - 1:30pm during coffee time Exeter Babies Activities WebsiteAnd the Week after too...
Margaret Morris Movement FREE TASTER SESSION Monday 30th January 2-3pm @HubOnTheGreen.Just come along in comfortable clothes. A gentle class for all abilities www.margaretmorrismovement.comAs well as our ongoing events...
Yoga Babies 10:30am-11:30am
Coffee time at noon - 1:30pm
Make and Take Club 4pm -5pm
Daisy Birthing Classes 6:30pm - 8pmTuesday:
Community Choir 10am - 12noon
coffee time at noon - 1:30pm
Craft group with Lisa Purchase at noon - 1:30pm
BabyChino Baby Group 2pm-3pm
Hatha Yoga 9:45 -10:45
Walk for Health 10:45 -12noon
coffee time at noon -1:30pm
knitting group at noon -1:30pm
Babysign 2pm -3pm
Feldenkrais 6:30pm - 7:30pmFriday:
Wriggle Rhythms 11am -12noon
coffee time at noon -1:30pm
Sling Meet 12noon-1:30pm
Beat the Blues (Women's Network) 2pm - 4pm
Tai Chi 6:30pm -8pmI would like to say a huge thank you to Ruth who is a quilter and has donated a large amount of magazines, materials and equipment to the hub so we can start to build a quilting group. I have other organisations who would like to get involved. If you are a quilter or a wannabe quilter please let me know.
Our craft and cake fair is on Saturday 4th Feb (first Saturday of the month) and we have lots of new people involved so it's going to be great. If you would like some fliers to hand out or have a spot for a poster - please shout. We like busy and busy means we need to spread the word. Thank you :)
Babychino – new baby group in central Exeter
Starting on Tuesday 24th January at The Hub on the Green, this exciting new baby group will be a mixture of a nappy natter, a baby group and a place for new (and old) parents to meet, share expereinces and chat.
Arabella will be there with lots of nappies for you to handle, details of the Devon Real Nappy free trial, plus a range of slings for you to try on.
Joey will be serving her scrummy real coffee (£1 per cup), talking about the beautiful ceiling and generally being wonderful.
Come along to our first group where we will be holding a bumper session with a free to enter raffle to win some scrummy prizes.
You can also pick up your FREE New Parent Pack for Exeter.
Date: 24th January 2012, 31st January, 14th February then every 2 weeks after that.
The Babychino will run every other week.
We also hope to bring you the best on other baby and toddler activies in and around Exeter, so expect taster sessions from music, baby massage, craft, baby yoga and BabyCalm classes.
Time: 1.30 to 3.30
Where: The Hub on the Green - 8 Cathedral Close, just a few doors down from Ask Pizza
Cost: Free, coffee on sale for £1 per cup
Friday, 20 January 2012
Friday @HubOnTheGreen
This week has been a landmark week for me. I have seen the hub getting close to full flow and although it keeps me running around like a fool sometimes and I clearly need to build up some stamina it is becoming what we wanted it to become.
Today started with Pilates with osteopath Teresa Thirwell. I couldn't go to the course as I was looking after next door but it sounded good from outside the door when I listened in for a bit. Then there was a swift changeover to Sophie's baby fair and coffee morning. She had made incredible marshmallow cakes. I had a meeting but walked in at 11:30am and it was such a lovely atmosphere. Lots of parents and babies relaxing together. I hope this is going to be the start of a series of Sophie (under one roof)'s sales/coffee mornings. It is a lot of effort to set up and pack away a baby coffee morning and baby sale inside an hour. I know there are some offers of help coming into the hub and maybe this may be the place to help. David (jam maker) turned up at exactly the right moment and was a gem as he helped moved everything out ready for Arabella (Natural Nursery) and Penny (Transition Exeter)'s 'make some reusable wet wipes' session which was a huge success. David helped wash up and set up for Beat the Blues this afternoon. By this point I was ready to drop but I hung on in there for Tai Chi this evening. We passed the time playing with the marbles on the wooden floor. Tai Chi was a revelation. I absolutely loved it and I am amazed that I can feel it in my muscles already. It was the perfect start to the weekend. Good job Sue!
Look what you can make in 90 mins! |
Thursday, 19 January 2012
The last few days have been a blur. I am behind on my blog which means I have been kept busy and out of mischief but tomorrow is going to end the week really well and with a bang (albeit a relaxing one).
9:45-10:45am Matwork Pilates (just come along)
10:00-11:00am Sophie's Second hand baby sale and coffee morning
12noon-1:30pm Wetwipe Workshop
12noon-1:30 coffee time - everyone welcome
2:00-4:00pm Beat the Blues Session
6:30-8:00pm Tai Chi Free taster session (just come along)
We would love to see you for any or all of tomorrow's activities. If you would like to know more or are a little bit worries about coming in for the first time give me (Joey) a ring 07950 961751 and I will come and find you outside and show you around.
9:45-10:45am Matwork Pilates (just come along)
10:00-11:00am Sophie's Second hand baby sale and coffee morning
12noon-1:30pm Wetwipe Workshop
12noon-1:30 coffee time - everyone welcome
2:00-4:00pm Beat the Blues Session
6:30-8:00pm Tai Chi Free taster session (just come along)
We would love to see you for any or all of tomorrow's activities. If you would like to know more or are a little bit worries about coming in for the first time give me (Joey) a ring 07950 961751 and I will come and find you outside and show you around.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
SECOND HAND BABY SALE at the hub run by Sophie this FRIDAY at 11am-12noon. Come for a coffee and a natter too. Then stay for baby-centred making at noon.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Tomorrow's Walk in the Sunshine
Fancy a walk tomorrow? Laura will be leading the walk from The Hub on the Green. Starting at 10:45am and finishing at noon then coffee in the hub. Sparkly day please!
See last weeks post for a photo (Wednesday 11th). I have left my laptop behind and so can't add the photo and it was such a good one.
See last weeks post for a photo (Wednesday 11th). I have left my laptop behind and so can't add the photo and it was such a good one.
Monday and Tuesday so far...
The hall is all set up for choir, coffees and teas are ready, the health centre is ready for the day and whilst making myself a cup of tea to congratulate myself on lugging chairs very successfully I found two iced buns lying on the side. So I've eaten them. Thank you Han for accidentally leaving them and I owe you.
Yesterday we had lots of mummies and babies in at lunchtime. We had singers come in to check that choir is all ready to go today and passers by. Yoga babies started off the day and Daisy Birthing rounded it off. The evening was busy too at home taking calls from groups that would like to use the hub. Sadly Pilates tonight (Tuesday) is cancelled but the Friday morning is obviously a more popular slot so that is going ahead.
I am trying to work out what to do with the hub over the busy weekends though out the summer holidays. Lottie has plans for lots of Blue Peter bring and buy sales/cake sales as she is determined to get her next badge. We'll see. Any ideas?
More later...I have to go to choir.
It's now later...
Choir was brilliant. There is nothing else to say. Just brilliant.
We have had lots of bookings today which is great from schools to art societies. I had someone show me how to make fire and how to sew with dental floss. We had jam deliveries and chocolate deliveries and we had ginger and apple cake deliveries too (thank you Sonia). I had a lovely lady in a green coat who wants to come and talk art and a university student who wants to talk dads. You just never know what the day is going to bring and today was a particularly gone one.
And a big thank you to my mum who has been a fabulous washer-upper today.
Yesterday we had lots of mummies and babies in at lunchtime. We had singers come in to check that choir is all ready to go today and passers by. Yoga babies started off the day and Daisy Birthing rounded it off. The evening was busy too at home taking calls from groups that would like to use the hub. Sadly Pilates tonight (Tuesday) is cancelled but the Friday morning is obviously a more popular slot so that is going ahead.
I am trying to work out what to do with the hub over the busy weekends though out the summer holidays. Lottie has plans for lots of Blue Peter bring and buy sales/cake sales as she is determined to get her next badge. We'll see. Any ideas?
More later...I have to go to choir.
It's now later...
Choir was brilliant. There is nothing else to say. Just brilliant.
And Lisa's craft group was just like it should be...busy and buzzy and fun and lots of people so chuffed with what they have created.
And a big thank you to my mum who has been a fabulous washer-upper today.
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