I spoke to no one in B&Q this morning and as a result it was a much more pleasurable experience. I fitted my first cupboard doors and (provided when I go in tomorrow they are not hanging off by their hinges) I think I did pretty well.
I had a lovely phone call from Josephine who ordered a chocolate cake to takeaway from the fair on Saturday. She was saying thank you and how much she loved the fair. She also said she liked her lemon drizzle cake. It was such a lovely message that I saved it to listen to again when I need a boost. And note to self...lemon drizzle cake is the popular cake of the moment. It gets all the praise.
Poor Becky (and I know you will be reading this) popped by when I was in a meeting with Sophie so I didn't let her in (I'm such a meanie). I find it really hard to get the balance between being fair to the person in the meeting and kind to the person who has come to visit. The good news is that from Monday 10th (next Monday) we will be open for everyone for a cuppa and a chat between 12 noon - 1:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. So there will be no more shutting the door on our lovely visitors faces. Becky...it broke my heart to send you away. Come back soon and I will make it up to you somehow x
Sophie...now there's an amazing woman. She's a business woman (runs baby signing classes and baby music classes) as well as studying for a degree as well as being a mummy to 18 month old Thirza. I've asked her to come and tutor me in time management. She was also a lovely lady and although it is hard to find a time when she is available and the hub is available too, I really hope we can work together in the future. In the meantime, Sophie is teaching elsewhere in Exeter so if you are interested in baby signing or baby music classes let me know and I will put you in touch with her.
We are getting really close to the official start of the Hub of the Green and I am so excited. So many people are interested in what we are doing but to avoid disappointment now is the time to start booking your places on our courses. If you are not sure how to, please contact me and I can put you in touch with the right person (joey.lee@sustaincare.net or 07950 961751)
Mondays - Yoga Babies, Make & Take Club for children and parents
Tuesdays - Contemporary Craft Workshops & Bonjour Tonton! (French language & drama for pre-schoolers)
Wednesdays - Adult Yoga, Bonjour Tonton!, Positive Parenting Classes, Mosaic Masterclasses, Knit & Natter drop-in
Fridays - Kimbows' Kitsch Stitching
And there are more events being added all the time. If there is something you would like to see at the hub and you can't see it yet, I would love to hear about it.

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