Monday, 18 October 2010

Bless this Cafe!

There is something about Monday mornings that makes my heart sing. This morning was no different. A lovely couple came in and told me about something that had happened. Well actually they didn't tell me; they couldn't tell me so they riddled. But the gist was that they had wished for something to happen when they were explaining a problem to me on a previous cafe visit and it seems to have come true. They said the cafe must be blessed. Maybe soon I will get the whole story. Mrs J wanted to tell me about her lovely weekend and Mrs S came in for a chat and said how the cafe had made such a difference to her. Mr & Mrs M offered to adopt me - now that's got to be the offer of the century. Christine, Hannah and Nicole were busy bunnies in the kitchen and I had to put strangers together as we ran out of tables but they didn't stay strangers for long. The cafe is an all round good place. Well done cafe people.

Printing workshop was brilliant. I was on the phone to a Phd student who is researching restorative gardens so missed the start but walked into an origami workshop. Brilliant. Then a table of three children joined in and before long we had a production line (see photos). Tom showed me frog origami in exchange for petal origami and what a delight they were (the children not the frogs). Lisa continued the printing later on but I had to go to a meeting in Exeter. And boy were we creative. We have plans and big plans. A little like the riddling earlier I will tell you as soon as I can...

1 comment:

  1. You are a force of nature! Well done Joey
