Monday, 28 February 2011

We would love your feedback

We have created a new, quick and easy questionnaire to get your feedback on our online information booklets. Visit
If you click on the 'leave feedback' button under the booklet's image it will open automatically.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Health Question Time 3 - STRESS & ANXIETY

on Monday 28th February at 6pm (or 5:45pm for a cup of tea first) at College Surgery. 

If you would like a free ticket or more details of our Health Question Time either pop into Cafe Sustain, email me, speak to Ruth Tucker or ring on 01884 831300 and ask for the cafe.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Some of us were born with brains!!!

...but I clearly wasn't. It took me 50 minutes to get to work (rather than the usual 15) as I took a short cut and trusted a satnav. 
"Why didn't you ring me?" asked Jan. 
"I don't know!" was the answer. The cafe support system stretches way beyond healthcare and into dial-a-direction. That's why I love our team. As well as this we had a request for a last minute chocolate cake for a 'forgotten' birthday and pencil, paper and a recipe for a much admired soup; organising menopause cakes (not a mouthwatering title but it has been requested for a course) with ingredients that challenge even our extensive larder and support groups that have outgrown the cafe and need a new venue...we never get bored. 

And thank you to Matt who gave up a day and drove a very long way to help us with all sorts of clever things (and who got from Oxford to Cullompton in roughly the same time as it took me to get from Exeter to Cully - humph!)

Look what Jan and co have been knitting...
Go on...guess where they stuff the Creme Egg?!

Danny - the only man at Knit and Natter

Jan's egg cosy

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Facebook feedback is a good thing...

Some people knock Facebook but when people leave messages like this, I think it spreads a little happiness..."just have to say ... that was probably the best light lunch i have had in Devon ... incredible VFM :)"  And we don't even know them!!!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Busy Thursday at the Cafe

Following our gluten-free cookery workshop last night we had a few pieces of carrot cake which we shared with customers today. They were really impressed so we handed out the recipe sheets from last night. Photos of the recipes were taken on mobile phones...who needs pencil and paper these days!!! We shared our cauliflower and spinach dahl soup recipe with someone else and our gluten-free lemon cake with another (well after buying three in one day they deserved it!). We gave tips on lemon oil and baked carrot cake, banana muffins, lemon and almond cake, mincemeat & linseed flapjack and good old coffee & walnut cake. It was like the great Cully bake-off! So fabulous smells filled the centre. This is of course nothing special, it happens every day. It's just today I was in the kitchen with Christine and lucky enough to get the compliments.

The Fabulous Knitter - Jacquie

Jacquie is a wonderful woman. She knits all our fabulous tea cosies that we sell for charity. She is also an original member of Jan's Knit and Natter group. Jacquie has knitted us mice, tea cosies, hats, headbands...the list is almost endless. Yesterday she came in with gifts for Jan and me - our very own hot water bottle covers. I was so thrilled and when I got home I showed my Lottie, who showed Bear and he now has a fabulous sleeping bag! 
Bear's new sleeping bag!

Jacquie's teacosy

Jacquie's teacosy

Jacquie's teacosy

Jacquie's much loved mice

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

John Crompton's Coeliac Cookery Workshop

The trouble with a really good course is that you get so involved that you forget to take photos. We had a really good time at John & Jacqui Crompton's Coeliac cookery workshop. We had chocolate chickpea cake, carrot cake, profiteroles, fruit scones and pizza. All very delicious. Thank you John and Jacqui for a fabulous evening and thank you to Tina for being such a great help handing out the goodies. For more details or to contact John about further courses click here.
The Cromptons busy at Cafe Sustain

gluten-free profiteroles

gluten-free profiteroles (and I have the left over chocolate sauce in my fridge!!!)

Nurse Lis testing the results!

gluten-free fruit scones with balsamic strawberry jam

John making pizzas

Carrot cake (left) and chocolate chickpea cake (right)

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Our START HERE kiosk - very exciting!!!

The lovely people at StartHere have lent us one of their kiosks. Thank you to Sarah, John and Anna plus a soggy delivery driver. Ruth and I had a go and it is amazing - lots of information, fun and easy to use and it has caused a buzz around the cafe. Come in and have a go and please let us know what you think. Ruth, Simon and I are going to get it linked up to a printer soon, so you can take away a printed copy of anything you want.
More information to follow.
Our new gadget!

Dr Burton and Ruth are getting to grips with the height adjusting!

Joey's first go

"This is very exciting!"

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Have you got any seeds?

If you have any spare seeds cluttering up your drawers or garden sheds, John and Malcolm, our community gardeners, would love to give them a good home. Just drop in any donations to the cafe and we will give you ar big hug in exchange!!!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Art & Crafts Workshop on Mondays

Bunting becomes as banner!

Charlies work in progress...

Lucy's work in progress...

We had Edan with us today as a treat and here is his creation.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Gardeners are getting busy - donations please...

John and Malcolm who have been key to the success of the community garden at CUlm Valley are looking for your help. They would love some seed potatoes and beetroot to plant in the coming weeks. If you can help, please contact us or drop into the cafe. We would really appreciate any help.