Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Some of us were born with brains!!!

...but I clearly wasn't. It took me 50 minutes to get to work (rather than the usual 15) as I took a short cut and trusted a satnav. 
"Why didn't you ring me?" asked Jan. 
"I don't know!" was the answer. The cafe support system stretches way beyond healthcare and into dial-a-direction. That's why I love our team. As well as this we had a request for a last minute chocolate cake for a 'forgotten' birthday and pencil, paper and a recipe for a much admired soup; organising menopause cakes (not a mouthwatering title but it has been requested for a course) with ingredients that challenge even our extensive larder and support groups that have outgrown the cafe and need a new venue...we never get bored. 

And thank you to Matt who gave up a day and drove a very long way to help us with all sorts of clever things (and who got from Oxford to Cullompton in roughly the same time as it took me to get from Exeter to Cully - humph!)

Look what Jan and co have been knitting...
Go on...guess where they stuff the Creme Egg?!

Danny - the only man at Knit and Natter

Jan's egg cosy

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