The cafe team now is as follows:
10:30-11:30 Nigel (now confirmed)
11:30-12:30 Andy
12:30-1:30 Lynda
1:30-3:30 Zoe with Jo at 2pm
3:30-4:30 A rather sleepy Jane (it's all the swimming)
Dad, Sal and Ben will be popping in in the afternoon to lend a hand too. Loving the community spirit everyone-thank you.
Choir was lovely today. I wasn't there as I had to look after the reception desk in the health centre but I didn't miss out. I put Isabel's baby monitor in the hub so I could listen from reception.
Lisa was on a day trip with her mama today so Hannah looked after crafting. It wouldn't have been safe in my hands. We were decoupaging eggs. I decoupaged an excellent chicken but you will have to take my word for it as I forgot to take a photo.
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these were make and take club's eggs |
And Jane drew us. Jane has an exhibition soon at Inc in Exmouth but I already have my own original. Thank you Jane. That is very special.
This afternoon Babyccino (I've just learnt to spell it) was lovely and busy. It's a very special group. When I peek in I see new mums supporting each other and having a good time. Just how it should be but in a lovely relaxed, happy environment.
Arabella (babyccino) spent a lot of her time sending people up to the reception where I was, in fact I think she brought up five people during that time. It just goes to show that I should be in the porch, by the red door, permanently which was the original plan and my long term aim. One of the visitors was Chloe who would like to run a 'make your own baby sling' sewing session and another was Susan who came in to see the roof and as a result she is going to run some wool spinning workshops at the hub. That's what it's all about.
Today has been a model of what I imagined the hub would be...full of laughs, full of people, learning and sharing, supporting and having a good time.
The other wonderful thing about today (and yesterday) is the planning. Yesterday Nikkie and Penny came up with the plan for the quiet, creative zone (alternate Tuesday afternoons). Then today Lauren came in with her plan for a baking club. She had floated the idea on Facebook and today it became a real club for Friday afternoons at the hub on a fortnightly basis. Lucky us! There are still some details which need finalising but I will keep you posted as to her plans. On twitter use #ExeterBakingClub and click here for the Facebook page
Hannah K who is running the crafting table at out Cake and Craft Fair on Saturday popped by to make some nest material for the Easter baskets. We managed to make the 'straw' and accidentally fixed the shredder at the same time. Bonus!
Hannah has been busy tonight. She has just texted me this photo. This is what Hannah will be making with you all on Saturday. It's very cool! And she will have chocolate eggs for you too.
Tomorrow Davy's walking group will be leaving from the hub doors at 10:45am. I so wish I could go with them but I look forward to hearing all about it on their return.
Then knitting group starts at noon or just pop in for a coffee. Last week was so much fun. I love Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Mum has made pumpkin seed brittle for knitting group (she just rang to tell me) so it will be worth turning up. It's my sister Tama's recipe so it'll be a goody. Then it's a quiet afternoon and evening at the hub. I'm going to ask for something special to fill the gap here and now as yesterday when I asked on the blog for something on Friday, something turned up. Come on Hub your magic!
The other scoop of the day is that I think (everything crossed) we will be working a lot more closely with the Exeter Homebirth Group in the future which is very exciting as they bring such a lot to the hub. This week has been particularly productive. Good work hub people.
And finally, a message from my step-mum Sal (although she didn't ask for it to be shared publicly it seems a shame not to). She said that community initiatives and hairdressers are what we need for a happy future. What do you think? It is important to note that she was, at the time, in the company of both her hairdresser and her step-daughter.
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