Sunday, 22 September 2013

Charity Event on Wednesday 25th September for Little Ones

Pyjama Drama Exeter are running a charity session at The Hub on the Green, Cathedral Close, Exeter to raise money for bereavement charity Once Upon A Smile. During the sponsored event, toddlers and pre-schoolers will learn a special song and play five games, all designed to ‘chase the blues away’. 
The special session, suitable for any child under five years old, will be held on Wednesday 25th September. The Charity event will take place at The Hub on the Green, Cathedral Close.
There will be two special sessions at 10am and 11am. We would also like to invite all participates in the event to stay for refreshments and cakes at the end of the second class. This Special charity event will be one of over 25 being run by Pyjama Drama and taking place all across the UK during the week of 23rd September. We are inviting participants to donate the £5 session charge to the charity. To book on one of these fantastic sessions or or further details call 01392 247449 or email

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