Tuesday 1 March 2011

Health Question Time 3 - STRESS & ANXIETY

What an excellent night. And recorded too (if i pressed the right button) so if you missed out, let Ruth know and she can let you see the DVD. 

Ruth and I have gone through your feedback forms and the response was really positive. What went down really well (other than Donna and my tea-making) were Sarah Hewlett's quick relaxation tips (for use even in the car - bring on the M5, nothing can get to me now); the 'gems' from the audience (the lady in front of me's idea of a positive journal where you write one positive thing about the day - and if you don't have one then it encourages you to have a positive moment before bed - ideas please!); Dr Matthew's and Dr Rowbury showed us a way of mapping activities in order to help us discover what in our lives make us anxious; Helen Farrell's wonderful quote from an opera singer she once knew who said that butterflies are good provided you get them flying in formation - brilliant! In fact, as I am typing, more and more of the evening is flooding back. It is probably best if you see the DVD and don't miss the next one!!!

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