Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Mini Entrepreneur

On Monday morning Anna popped by. Her son Adam wants to raise funds for their scout hut and each scout has been given £1 to make some money with. Adam has decided to sell some of his sister's clothes that she has grown out of. Little Zoe made hearts to decorate the hangers, Adam made a sign with the scout logo on the top and this morning their mum dropped it in while someone was waiting for Yoga Babies and Adam had an instant sale! One pair of pink trouser sold. It's looking good. You are very welcome to pop in and see what is for sale.

On Monday afternoon, it is the ESSENCE steering group meeting. ESSENCE is the Exeter Social Enterprise and Cooperative Network. We are planning the next year so it's a biggy. I have cake and a flip chart so we have the ingredients for a good meeting.

Last Friday, I started a new weekly cooking and recipe idea. I have been meeting with a local GP and bouncing ideas around. This is the first step. It's simple but it seems to be working already. First thing on Friday morning I put on the slow cooker using a simple, tasty recipe with ingredients which don't cost the Earth (in more than one way). The slow cooker means that by Friday's Come and Catch Up at noon (our coffee time) we have something yummy for everyone to try and recipe cards to take home.

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