Sunday, 9 September 2012

Saturday's Fair Blogged

The Fair was fabulous. It was a little less hectic than some but still buzzy and so much fun. The misty start made me think that all day trips may be off but I think the lure of the sun and the beach was too much for some :)

We had a big scrap store making area this month and people loved it. The creations just kept on coming.

Rachel was one of our select crafters this month and she brought all her jewellery making equipment so as well as selling she inspired people to make bracelets which were shown off with pride.

Sparklie Sonia came and spread joy and happiness as usual. She painted arms, faces, legs and chins. She's such a star. I had a rainbow seahorse that I took to bed as it was just too beautiful to wash off.

Nazima painted henna patterns and I love mine and I managed not to smudge it this time :) We had fun working out where certain young ladies could be painted without getting unto trouble at school.

We put chalkboards in the alley as well as tables. The children doodled for ages.

Liz (knitting group's organiser) came in with her stunning batternburg and a big pink parcel as it was a year since our first fair. Inside was the most stunning crocheted blanket for our hub sofas. It is quite something. So when the little ones get sleepy or when we are snuggled up reading stories we can huddle up under our hub blanket. Our Hublanket. Thank you Liz.

The cakes were stunning and as always people were amazing. Here come the thank yous....

Thank you Verity for your peach streusel cake - a stroke of genius and team Conley for helping with all the clearing up.
Thank you Sarah for your walnut and date cake - the scales worked well!
Thank you Lauren for helping all day in the cafe and for your hidden marshmallow cupcakes.
Thank you Zoe for the early start making lemon & strawberry cheesecakes - please keep baking.
Thank you Scrummy for your brownies, cow biscuits, lemon cake and chocolate brandy cake and for all your time setting up and working all day and then clearing up. What a fab mum!
Thank you Liz & Jonathan for your impressive batternburg - whatever next???
Thank you Sal for you coffee and walnut cake - and for coming to the fair...twice!
Thank you Nikkie for your raspberry & chocolate flapjacks & refrigerator cake - so lovely of you...such a star!
Thank you Scott for your lemon worry too much. It was fab :)
Thank you Sonia for your sparkly apple cake - only Sonia could make such a sparkly cake. And thank you for staying to clear up after such a busy day spreading painty-facey joy.

There were so many things I didn't take photos of and I wish I had...

Lauren (Exeter Baking Club) and mum behind the cake stall.
Shelley's little one in her tutu
Sarah giving much needed treatments which make such a difference to people
Tom's creations using shower pipes
Taylor as Spiderman next to Harry as Spiderman
My godmother
Zoe having her much anticipated ladybird painted
Mahalia drawing jokes on the doodle board
Rehab and Nazima chatting
Penny's magic wand
Emma's son's was so detailed

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