Sunday, 15 January 2012

Next week's Hub Diary

Does anyone have an old watering can with a rose on the end of it? I need one at the hub to clean the path and it seems so daft to buy a new one when there must be unloved ones in people's gardens. If you do, I would love to give it a good home.

Begging over! Friday seems a long time ago (it is Sunday now). Coffee time was buzzy and the edge of the jigsaw is done now. I had another party booking and there were lots of lovely tweets flying around. The Beat the Blues session seemed a great success and Sophie's Wriggle Rhythms was packed and they had confetti and sand and all sorts of other Egyptian themed things. Is confetti particularly Egyptian?! I must ask Sophie about that. Anyway it looked great fun. 

I have had more suggestions for making the hub more user friendly. Ramps for the buggies are a biggy. 

Next week we have:

Yoga Babies 10:30am 
Coffee time at noon 
Make and Take Club 4pm 
Daisy Birthing Classes 6:30pm
Community Choir 10am 
coffee time at noon 
Craft group at noon 
Matwork Pilates 6:30pm
Hatha Yoga 9:45 
Walk for Health 10:45 
coffee time at noon 
knitting group at noon 
Babysign 2pm 
Feldenkrais 6:30pm
Wriggle Rhythms 11am 
coffee time at noon 
Arabella's Come along and make a small wet bag & some fabric wipes (for everyone with a baby)
Beat the Blues (Women's Network) 2pm 
Free Taster Tai Chi 6:30pm

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