Saturday, 21 January 2012

Babychino – new baby group in central Exeter

Starting on Tuesday 24th January at The Hub on the Green, this exciting new baby group will be a mixture of a nappy natter, a baby group and a place for new (and old) parents to meet, share expereinces and chat.
Arabella will be there with lots of nappies for you to handle, details of the Devon Real Nappy free trial, plus a range of slings for you to try on.
Joey will be serving her scrummy real coffee (£1 per cup), talking about the beautiful ceiling and generally being wonderful.
Come along to our first group where we will be holding a bumper session with a free to enter raffle to win some scrummy prizes.
You can also pick up your FREE New Parent Pack for Exeter.
Date: 24th January 2012, 31st January, 14th February then every 2 weeks after that.
The Babychino will run every other week.
We also hope to bring you the best on other baby and toddler activies in and around Exeter, so expect taster sessions from music, baby massage, craft, baby yoga and BabyCalm classes.
Time: 1.30 to 3.30
Where: The Hub on the Green - 8 Cathedral Close, just a few doors down from Ask Pizza
Cost: Free, coffee on sale for £1 per cup

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