Monday, 28 November 2011

Not one, but two offerings

The day started well. I rang the winners of Saturday's raffle with the good news. I cleaned the remnants of the fair from the hub and Becky turned up for Yoga Babies with a flapjack from Real Food for me. So lovely (both Becs and the flapjack). Yoga Babies was a great success as usual and lots of people stayed for coffee. We had two separate visitors from the Exeter History Group (that may not be their exact name).  Then mum turned up with an almond croissant (if Becs hadn't been sitting down next to me, I may not have admitted to the flapjack but I felt I had little choice!). Happy Joey. 

Becs collected the etched martini glass she decorated on Saturday. Beautiful isn't it? I have sore ears. I mention this because it was the glass etching cream that I smeared on my ears accidentally whilst tucking my hair behind said ears that burnt them. Not so happy Joey. He but no pain, no gain...
Tonight's Make and Take Club run by Hannah and Pip from The Craft Hub was such fun. Everyone was really busy making their felt decorations with fabulous results. We had new members who slotted in perfectly. Next week we are sewing Christmas cards.

If you are interested, on the evening of Thursday 8th December The Craft Hub are holding a craft swap at the hub. It's going to be a great evening and all you need to do is register at and then bring alone some crafty things to swap. Simple!

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