Friday, 2 September 2011

If You Don't Ask You Don't Get

Today I met Clive. He may be running some drama sessions at the hub. I will keep everything crossed as I like him and I like what he's doing and that's what it's all about. I hadn't thought of using the space for drama, but it fits so well. 

This is Notaries House.
Our Sustainable Health Centre will be on the ground floor.

Peter from Pipers Farm popped in to see what we are up to. I am in trouble as I didn't make him coffee. "Manners cost nothing," Lottie would say. Manners were clearly non-existant Lottie. Well that's the end of any career in butchering. Best make the hub work! Peter took a poster...I hope it is prominantly displayed in the shop.

Mr Johnson popped in. He saw the 'we need jam jars' sign and now I am going around to his house to collect his horde. He has been trying to palm them off on his family for years but no one wants them. He was astonished that anyone was actually asking for them. We always said at the cafe, "If you don't ask, you don't get." I'm just a bit worried about what I'm going to get. I might start a glass recycling business on the back of this meeting.

We had a lovely interior decorator and soon-to-be FE art teacher in. I don't know their names - I didn't ask. If you are reading this lovely people, I would really love your thoughts on the place and we will see you at knit and natter - Wednesdays between 12-2pm starting early October. 

I am having Apple issues. I can't save my .pages as .jpeg. Any help greatly received as the queue in the Apple store was crazy. The sun is shining...get to the beach people and let me at a genius. 

Then I had to sneak of to Boston Tea Party for internet connection and to put up a poster (and the hot chocolate was calling to me). 

The New "If you don't ask, you don't get" Section:

We are looking for an afternoon receptionist for the Sustainable Health Centre. Packs will be ready soon but if you are interested in applying or know someone who might be then please email me and I will send out the information as soon as it is ready. 

Also if you would like to put up a poster somewhere about our Craft & Cake Saturdays, please let me know. The more help we get the better this hub will be. 

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